Our aim is to sell the highest quality natural organic spirulina and chlorella out there to help you and your family improve your health naturally.

Aztec Health

Welcome to Aztec Health we are an online family business that specializes in selling spirulina and chlorella products. Our family started taking spirulina and chlorella over three years ago when it was highly recommended by another close family member for their many health benefits. After a lot of research into these very interesting algae we couldn’t believe we had not heard of them before, especially since during our research we discovered that even the Aztecs had been using spirulina so long ago {this is where we took inspiration for our business name}. From then, our passion for these two algae super foods grew with us telling anyone and everyone about just how beneficial for your health they could be and that’s how Aztec health was born. Our aim is to sell the highest quality natural organic spirulina and chlorella out there to help people improve their health naturally.